Applying Makeup that Looks Natural

Makeup is a very essential part of every woman’s daily life. Putting on some makeup can help you enhance your natural look and features and Applying Makeup that Looks Naturalcover us a few flaws as well. To enhance your natural beauty, it is not really necessary to cake yourself up with heavy makeup that may not appear natural. A makeup tutorial will help you achieve the perfect look that complements your natural look, your skin tone, your eye color and the occasion as well.

Moisturize your skin
Before applying natural look makeup, always use an oil free lotion to moisturize your skin. This will prepare your skin for applying makeup evenly.

Bronzer, not Blush
Rosy-tinted blush can draw attention to redness and blotchy spots and looks unnatural on most skin types. Using bronzer instead–it gives your skin a natural glow, and less likely to accidentally over-apply it.

Mind Your Brows
Neatly groomed brows are must when you’re keeping things natural. Stick with a natural shape and don’t over-pluck, but do use a sharp pair of tweezers to remove hairs that fall outside the natural curve of your eyebrows.

Light Touch
Heavy makeup is the opposite of natural, so use a light hand to apply liquid foundation to the center of your face and then blend it outward using a brush, a makeup artist who has worked on ads for Garnier skin care.  Working outward keeps your makeup from getting too heavy and gives you more coverage in the T-zone, where you’re most likely to need it. “Allure” also recommends using blotting papers instead of powder to reduce shine so your skin looks luminous.

Smooth Surface
Use a makeup primer or silicone-based serum to create a smooth surface for foundation. It will make wrinkles and imperfections virtually disappear, especially if you top it with a little concealer.

Curling Mascara
Curling mascara opens up your eyes for maximum natural impact.  Use a brown curling mascara for the most natural look, and team it with peach, taupe or brown eye shadow for a natural, pretty look.

5 comments on “Applying Makeup that Looks Natural

  1. Reblogged this on thefabcompany and commented:
    Love this simple look for Spring and Summer!

  2. What products were used to achieve this look, which is fabulous by the way? I have re-posted it, as I loved this look so much. 🙂

  3. […] Makeup is a very essential part of every woman's daily life. Putting on some makeup can help you enhance your natural look and features and cover us a few flaws as well. To enhance your natural bea…  […]

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